Author: Camille

Christmas Challenge
To spread the Christmas message and promote our wellbeing coaching in County Durham we decided to put together a ‘12 days of Christmas self-nurturing challenge,’ aimed to encourage people take care of themselves in a period where personal wellbeing can be overlooked.
Although Christmas for most people is a fun time of year, filled with parties, celebrations, and social gatherings with family and friends. For many people however, it is a time filled with sadness, self-reflection, loneliness, and anxiety. This is especially true for teachers who have a lot of festive activities to plan in school and people who work in a business where Christmas is the busiest time of year.
Our ‘12 days of Christmas challenge’ had a range of different tasks, such as ‘Ring a friend that you haven’t spoken to in a while’ and ‘go on a digital detox.’ The digital detox was the hardest for me!
The Challenge was sent around many schools in County Durham to promote our wellbeing coaching and was published on our Facebook page.
Many people came back to us and said the challenge helped them have the most stress free Christmas they have ever had and this challenge is something people can still do.
Jilly Hilditch form St Bedes Sacriston said; “The challenge helped me a lot and reminded me to stay calm.”
Happy New year, have a lovely and stress-free 2017.
Love Rainbows End x