For September
Author: admin
Jenny – A Star on “Star”
As this week is Mental Health Awareness Week Jenny was invited to appear on fabulous local FM station “Star Radio”. Hear her discuss the issues with reporter Karen Liu.
Star Radio Page

Fabulous New Workshop for Girls
This year we embarked on one of our most important Coaching Programmes yet – our Girls Confidence Workshop called ‘Making Rainbows.’ A name chosen to reflect our desire to influence girls to live fabulous, colourful lives! For full details click here.
The aim of this workshops is to teach young girls how to build confidence so that they have the tools to enable them to achieve anything they wish!
We developed this workshop with the shocking evidence by the Department for Education that girls start to fall behind at Key Stage 2 Skills through lack of self confidence and becoming ‘invisible.’
Read more on this article click here :
Day 1 of our ‘Making Rainbows’ coaching was in a lovely Primary school in Crook. The children, bright faced and eager were first taught about the gender stereotyping and how that can have an impact on the way we behave. They learnt the stereotypes of the job roles of woman, typically in STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) and how actually woman have subverted these stereotypes for a long time.

We identified a list of inspiring woman and from that we introduced the Art project. In groups the children would choose an inspirational woman from the North East and invite their friends and family along to an exhibition.
To build confidence we showed them this amazing video by Ted Ed:
After watching this video the Primary School girls could visually understand how to be more confident.
By the end of Day 1 of our Confidence Workshop the girls in Year 6 had developed a Growth Mind Set, learnt the Value of going out of their comfort zones and to Subvert Gender Stereotypes.
Day 2 we had a fabulous guest speaker named Amanda Coulson, European champion boxer and one of the first ever female boxers. She was lovely with the year 6 girls and inspired them to do anything that they wish.
The pupils also made a ‘Tree of Life’ to take home to show their parents. The words written on the leaves describe what they want to achieve and the roots show the strengths that will help them to get there.
Camille Hilditch
Marketing Intern

At Rainbows End
In 2008 Jenny and I embarked on the big adventure that is Rainbows End Coaching. We had six children between us, three of them just tiny babies and the credit crunch that led the UK into recession had just hit. There couldn’t be a better time to start a business we thought!
Now, several years on we are still here, armed with much knowledge and many lessons that we have learned along the way. We have lots to share and plan on making this blog a regular feature of our communication so that others can see the journey that we are on and how we overcome the ongoing challenges of life.
One of the things that we have struggled with in our business is how to make Life Coaching an accessible and affordable option to the many thousands of people that could benefit from it. Life coaching has always been a small, yet vital part of what we do here at Rainbows End but we now feel that the time has come to share our knowledge and expertise with a much wider audience.
We are extremely excited to be doing this as we know that it is the right thing at the right time. Over the coming months we will be launching a packed programme of Life Coaching offerings, from blog posts through to free webinars through to a fantastic free new e-book. We will guide you through a programme of personal growth covering topics such as ‘getting the best out of your personal relationships’, ‘feeling great in mind, body and spirit’, ‘how to get the right work life balance’ and much, much more.
If you feel ready to start your journey with us today then download our free exercise ‘how to feel great about yourself’ and get started straight away. Please comment below with any topics that you would like to see covered in our blogs and webinars in the coming weeks and months. We look forward to hearing from you!